Scouted buddy, don't know why you wouldn't be. You got some good shit here man.
Scouted buddy, don't know why you wouldn't be. You got some good shit here man.
You've got potential man. (:
Keep up your exploration into the world of music, it can be your only friend at times.
For the song, I must say I like your synths, I like your choice of sfx, I like your different instruments chosen. You're a younger artist, but you've definitely got a hold of the basics. Now expand, music is love kid.
This track is a 4/4 4/4
Have fun.
Ambient is where this belongs man. Atmospheric, slow, I'm waiting for the kick though, but so far yeah it's sounding ambient to me.
The tempo is half beat or slow, either one, it's nice so far.
1:00 right now.... the buildup.. oh I hear the drums very subtly kicking in.
Are they delayed?
Oh I hear a subtle little synth, you're making this buildup very sus- THERE WE GO 2:10
Now I hear ya, this would fit well into a videogame. Ambient though is how I feel this would fit still, it's a nice chill walk around in a mech on mars type of music. haha... nice dude (:
4.5/5 5/5, have fun with your music man, it's my life.
oh man, thanks for taking the time to write a complex review, digging your thoughts on it. yeah I wasn't too sure about the Genre, mostly because of the way i write music, it's all learnt from VG themes and tracks, so even the more ambient parts i feel fit more in a VG than an album of ambient songs?
I dunno man, thanks again.
To start out, this is an obvious style of it's own. You are not following anybody's rules but your own. What do I see when I hear this song? Well shit, I'm thinking about an old videogame I played called starsiege. I love your choice of acoustic drums, this sounds a bit more ambient to me though man. This really though is quite a solid song, so here's a 5 for ya man. Definitely VideoGame reminding. I love the white noise you put on your little acid bass around 2:00. I can't really critique this song man, I'm enjoying it. That means you've made a GOOD song dude. 5/5
Hey man, I appreciate the kind words. Glad this stands out on its own so well. Haha I've never played Starseige before, but I think the song title had something to do with it coming to mind...:p Anyway, I'm always up for feedback, thanks so much!
I'm a music hobbyist, or is it professional? Who knows?
Age 31, Male
FL Studio
Joined on 8/7/05